Punjab Education: A Real Change, Not A Slogan
Some Times, it amazes me, the way politicians are being bombarded with criticism in almost every talk show, I just keep wandering, are they really so corrupt and incapable or its just the perception created in Print and Electronic Medium. Incompetence of Federal Government and stories of their corruption keep on surfacing literally everyday, but why Punjab Government is being targeted both by Federal Government, other Provisional Governments and is prime target of few Anchors and Opposition Leader Imran Khan. Are their, some political motives and gains or there is some truth to this criticism.

Chief Executive getting up 6 o'clock in the morning, working tirelessly through out the day and till midnight, showing solidarity with masses by establishing Tent Office at Minar e Pakistan against load shedding in scorching heat, with no corruption charges on himself and his cabinet, even his top aides enjoy healthy reputation, running from pole to pole in tackling towering challenges emerging in Shape of 2008 floods and 2011 Dengue Epidemic. While we keep hearing news flooded with corruption charges coming from Federal Government and other provinces, where billions and billions are being looted in last 41/2 years, with Pakistan External debt increasing from 45 billion US Dollars to almost 67 US Dollars, Domestic debt to a whopping 12,000 billion Rupees (doubled in Zardari era), unprecedented indeed, with every individual has to pay Rs. seventy thousand in debt. (Data till July 2012)
In the following few lines, we shall discuss Shahbaz Sharif willingness and hunger to introduce key reforms in Education Sector, a back-bone in building the Nation and an Insurance policy for a vibrant and healthy future for generations to come. Key Structural reforms introduced in all sectors of education System, introducing innovative schemes and ideas. Punjab, spending on education is roughly 195 Billion of total Punjab Budget which is over 780 billion rupees in 2012-13 Budget, double the amount which Punjab Used to Spend in Pervaiz Elahi Era, where Billions of rupees were wasted on Parha Likha Punjab, when Education Sector was handed over to Private School Mafias, who built empires for them-selves , unfortunately at the cost of common man.
"Education is the most powerful weapon which can use to change the World". Nelson Mandela
Major Structural reforms initiated in Education Sector, from Primary to Higher Education. Comprehensive Programme Initiated worth Billions of rupees to tackle the missing facilities in Schools, this year alone, over a Billion rupees have been allocated in this regard. Over three thousands Schools have been upgraded under this programme both at Primary and Middle level. Similarly over 70 Schools have been declared as Centre Of Excellence due to their research and maintenance of education standards. Over 30 thousands teachers have been inducted purely on merit, unheard in Pakistan Society. According to a recent survey ASER (Annual Status Of Education Report, Pakistan largest ever citizen based report ever), Punjab is way ahead than other provinces in eliminating missing facilities, provides 91% of use-able water, Functional Toilets are 85-86%, 2.8 class rooms on average per school. Unfortunately other provinces hovering in fifties.
Ghost Schools have been eliminated to almost negligible level in Punjab. Historically, a menace in our society, causing Billions of rupees loss to National exchequer. In, near past, Pakistan suffered billions of rupees lose, in the name of ghost schools, when Sardar Asif Ahmad Ali was education Minister in Federal Government, Similar is the case of Sind and other Provinces.
Punjab Education Programme was started with the help of UK Government, started paying dividends, providing education to millions of school going children, has become the largest voucher scheme in the World, UK Government supporting 140,000 children. Raising the attendance to 88%, a remarkable feat in itself, means 20 million children in School. UK Government assistance is 2% of total programme, greatly appreciated by people of Punjab. According to International observers Punjab is on course, in achieving Millennium Development Programme 2015, 100% enrolment by 2015. Again ASER vindicating this report as-well.
Danish School System a innovative Project initiated in less developed areas and for under privileged class, earning less than or equal to five thousands rupees. Boarding and Lodging facilities are provided free of cost in these schools, again merit is the key. Toppers and shining students who couldn't afford Achison's AND Beacon Houses, are given a chance to excel and opportunity to make a future for themselves. This system, is facing lot of criticism from different corners, but they forget the importance of it. These schools are built not only in Lahore, Rawalpindi but rather in Rahim Yar Khan, Dera Ghazi Khan, Mianwali, Attock, Chistian, Hasilpur etc. Secondly imagine, Atchison may be producing one hundred quality students every year, who are ruling us, why not so many schools in coming decades can produce few hundred to take this Nation forward and take destiny of this Nation in their own hands rather let same elite rule us for next 63 years. Danish School Chistian has been selected as Path-finder and Mentor School venture by Microsoft Company. Only 64 Schools selected among the millions applicants, Danish School was one of them.

Computerised Labs are being established in every Higher Secondary School of Punjab, billions of Rupees have been spent on this project (4286 labs). Introducing a new era in Punjab Education System, paving way for a Digital Revolution. This indeed is commendable, exposing our young guns to whole new World of awareness and future challenges. Things do not end here, chain of New Colleges and Secondary Schools have been established at different tehsil and Distt level, preference was given to under developed areas. Their Funds allocation was increased considerably every year to meet the emerging new challenges. Southern Punjab allocation for developmental Budget increased from a partly 12 to 15% in Pervaiz Elahi Era to a record 31 to 32% in last five years of SS tenure. Ample funds are available for providing quality education. According to ASER, Punjab got 70% functional labs in secondary schools, unfortunately other provinces showing a sorry figure, from 2% to less than 30%.
Key reforms were introduced in, Punjab Board On line System, essential to eliminate corruption at Board level, faced severe resistance from Clerks & Private School Mafia, Board Offices were burnt in different cities but thank God, Punjab Government stuck to their guns. According to some Independent analysts, close to 90% of corruption was eliminated after successful implementation of this System. From Submission of Exam Forms To Results , every detail has been enclosed in a touch key. A revolution indeed in a Third World Country, like Pakistan.
A comprehensive four year degree programme has been introduced (BCS) in colleges, independent BOG was created in colleges to begin with, again facing severe resistance and opposition, this time from teacher's mafia, but was successfully implemented in many colleges. A chain of new colleges were constructed in different Tehsil and Distt. across Punjab, unprecedented, never witnessed before in history of Punjab. Work on establishing computerized libraries in different colleges initiated and have started to function in few.
Similarly, Independent BOG were made to function in all Universities of Punjab , making a tremendous impact, turned around the higher education System in Punjab. Things do not end here, Principle Posts were made a constitutional matter in Punjab, with a strict scrutiny of qualification and guiding principle's were laid down. More recently, a post Deputy Vice Chancellor was created, to eliminate Governor Interference. Unfortunately in Pakistan, Governor despite being a Federal and non political post, but here in our beloved land its other way round. These measures have already started paying rich dividends, as Punjab Universities starting to out-perform other Universities in Pakistan. Similarly research Papers published in these Universities increased many fold.
First time in History of Punjab, plans are under way to establish Women Universities in major cities of Punjab like Faislabad, Sialkot, Behawalpur, Multan. Punjab Cabinet has already approved this project. "Quote", You Educate A Man; You Educate A Man. You Educate A Women; You Educate A Generation. Brigham Young
Similarly Agriculture and Engineering Universities in Multan are under construction, Bill for Akhuwat University has been approved by Punjab Cabinet in Dera Ghazi Khan. Ghazi University in Dera Ghazi Khan established as well. It is unprecedented in the history of Punjab that its southern part is becoming a part of this revolution.

Pakistan Largest Internship programme has been initiated this year, close to Fifty thousand students will benefit from this scheme, once they finish their studies. Another big initiative for Matriculation students has recently been launched (Solar Lamp Scheme), which can prove pivotal in energy starved Punjab.
These measures definitely are appreciable and other provinces need to learn and follow fast, otherwise Punjab seems to gallop ahead in all Spheres. According to ASER, Sindh and Baluchistan are already out of the race for achieving Millennium Development Goals, Punjab too, is lagging behind in many indicators, but looks to be serious and making genuine effort in achieving the high standards.
بہت زبردست تحریر فیصل بھائی۔
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ایکسیلینٹ پوسٹ۔
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Deletethanks jinab..honoured
DeletePerhaps the most comprehensive study of this realm. PMLN truly is a frontier of modern Educational facilities in Pakistan !!
ReplyDeletemost difficult of blogs..had to dig in deep for this..