As it turned out to be, he actually led a Long March, but unfortunately only a few thousand people participated, according to independent sources not more than 1000 vehicles entered Islamabad, people close to 30-40 thousands including children, women . The resolve and courage of this crowd must be lauded and appreciated ( usually students from Mudrassas and religious school are fanatics because they are educated and molded that way), they weathered the intense cold of Islamabad for almost three and half days, but hope of new Pakistan kept them going. Their leader in the mean while, rested in a cozy Bullet Proof Container built at a cost of 15 to 20 million, equipped with Five Star Hotel Room facility.

Canadian National like a successful wizard , created a human shield of Women and Children, played with the emotions of youth in the sit in, presented his Charter consisting of Points, few totally negated the Spirit of Constitution of Pakistan. But he pressed on with his demands as days passed, people sitting in the sit in, against all odds weathered the chilled cold and showed patience, Canadian Nationals real strength arose from gutsy crowd of few thousand people.
In the mean while, Government completely shaken by the Dharna in Islamabad, was as usual lethargic in its response, didn't know what to do, the sit in brought the whole city to stand still, local and international media was focused on the big event, while Karachi Stock Market lost more than 200 billion in three days. Government tried to find clues and connect dots of forces behind the Canadian National, because they were literally shaken by events.
So the onus rested with the two main opposition parties, PTI and PMLN. PTI as thier leader on numerous occasions had owned Qadri's agenda , for which he and his Party was striving for years. PTI top officials openly supported Qadri in TV talk shows, encouraging their leader to join the bandwagon, confused everyone. Whole campaign run by PTI social Media team, asked their members to Join Qadri's March , hats off to youth, who seems more wise and sane than their leader, said no to the opportunity and put their full weight and might behind the Democratic forces.
On the other hand PMLN leader Nawaz Sharif, who's Brother Sad Demise a day or two before this event, completely shut their political activities. Politically speaking, this moment had given PTI and Imran Khan a golden opportunity to lead the Opposition parties and become a hero, his youth following always dreams this kind of event, unfortunately, his inability to act timely, flip flop actions will haunt him, for rest of his life.

Parties from all four provinces participated in the meeting, were on the same pitch of voice and said that only way forward , was constitution of Pakistan and nothing else. This is 2013 Pakistan and nobody be allowed to cross the lines this time round. That reminded me of COD and BB Shaheed, who along with NS signed that historic document, where both committed to the Nation that only way forward in Pakistan was Democracy and Rule of Law.

The whole fiasco clearly shows the political maturity of our Democratic System. Are there winners and losers in the end?.
Yes PTI, a sure loser, their slogan of Change and reforms, stolen by a Canadian National. Imran's inability to act timely and his indecisiveness to take right decisions at the right time casting his party dearly. Firstly, it should have been PTI who should have initiated this March. Okay, even if they missed the chance , why to be hesitant in condemning a Canadian National, rather accepted his agenda and showed willingness to participate in the March, dented IK image as a Political Leader, and dimmed prospects of his Party chances in next GE as well. Secondly PTI left alone, as whole Opposition choose thier side.
Nawaz Sharif again emerged as a man of substance and wisdom, very clear headed about his politics and future of Pakistan. Where rule of Law and Civilian supremacy is key to Pakistan success and future rise. His credentials as Political Leader increased many folds and respect among the Opposition parties particularly, Baloch Nationals are strengthened further, because they have started to believe, that their is some one who can challenge the powers who matter, is a good sign for Pakistan Federation. This unity of opposition has sent, a strong message to the Bosses that unconstitutional move will be resisted with full force, with People's might and backing.

PPP gained a lot, by successfully broking a deal with Qadri and saving thousands of lives. Their credentials as a Democratic Political Force increased. redeemed their popularity a bit. As I have said in my last Blog, Zardari is a very shrewd politician, making final moves on his Chess game, may be Qadri was his key pawn, trying to check mate everyone. Zardari forgets, Pakistan in 2013 has come a long way and has learnt a lot of lessons, lot of garbage will be filtered in next elections and a new Nation will emerge.
CJ of Pakistan has enhanced his credentials that he is a firm believer in rule of law, constitution and democracy, has given a clear message, particularly to hidden hands that only way is to follow the rule of law and abide by the constitution.
Finally Canadian National, win win situation for him, was an unexpected hero, his stature as Leader among his followers enhanced, but lost lot of prestige among common man, even if Government doesn't abide by the Long March Document, Qadris followers might be thinking that their leader has done more than enough for his country than any body else, risking his life, leaving a comfortable Canadian life and coming back for the love of the Motherland.
There are reports in the press, that Mr.Qadri is flying back to Canada on 27th Jan to appear in a court which has issued him a notice to answer questions about his Canadian oath and his asylum plea.
Long Live Pakistan... Pakistan Zindabad