Higg's Boson of Politics and Pakistan's Democracy
Higgs Boson, the energy field or Gods Particle which imparts mass to other particles which have no mass or have very little mass plays a big role in Pakistan politics.
Pakistan ranks among those unfortunate countries,who after 63 years of its very existence, is unable to decide the
SYSTEM to run its day to day affairs, resulting in present day chaotic situation . This country has become a ping pong between
Democracy and Dictatorship, a laughing stalk among the International Community, who often describe
Pakistan as failed state at different International Forums.
Irony of the matter is, Quaid-e-Azam Creator and founder of Pakistan, who gave a clear road map for the progress and future prospects of this great Nation, Quaid e Azam as Governor General in a message on Friday 15th August 1947"
Pakistan is a land of great Potential resources,but to built it up into a Country worthy of the Muslim Nation we shell require every ounce of energy that we possess and i am confident it will come from all whole-heatedly.
Democracy is in blood of Musslamans,who look upon complete equality of manhood(sic). I give you an example,Very often when i go the Mosque,my Chauffeur stand side by side with me.Mussalamans believe in fraternity,equality and liberty.
Let us lay the foundations of our Democracy on the basis of true Islamic ideals and principles.Our "Almighty has taught us "our decision in the affairs of the state shell be guided by discussion and consultations.
"The Establishment of Pakistan was the means to an end and not an end in itself.The idea was that we shell have a State in which we could live an breath as free men and which we could develop in our own lights and culture and where principles of Islamic Social Justice could find free play...
Pakistan after 63 years of
Civil Military struggle, is heading towards transfer of power from one elected Government to another under the supervision of
Independent Election Commission, which has never happened before. But as this country has witnessed this episode many a times in the past,
Hidden Hands are getting frustrated and fearful of losing their Power and afraid of
Parliamentary System roots to get deeper. Credit must be given to this
Parliament, which Survived the scare of
fake Degrees, Bogus Votes, Tax Evasion etc, but we must realise these things happen when we wouldn't let Democracy take its course and find its way, it will automatically start filtering those who do not mould themselves as per requirement of the democracy.
Pakistan in last few Weeks is witnessing the same old rhetoric's, this time from a Canadian Imported Revolutionary, who left people of Pakistan in lurch when Dictator was ruling the country.
Now Question arises, what went wrong in last couple of Weeks, is it same old Game Plan?. Our Bosses, who in the name of better interest of Pakistan ruled it for decades and played significant rule even when they were not in power, except when Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif challenged their might, but they made living example out of them for rest of the lot.

But Game Plan looks different this time round, as
ISPR categorically denied any hidden hand behind link to
Canadian Imported revolution, still things are not very clear on their part as
Gen Kiyani is mum on the whole situation. May be, he is worried about 2014, year of
USA and
Allies with-drawl from
Afghanistan, our
establishment want to have some say in the helm of affairs when final negotiations are completed and take the centre stage. Combined with it,
Zardari Era is seen as the worst in history of Pakistan, seems to have shaken their confidence in
Politicians, but unfortunately they forget the bitter reality who negotiated the
NRO, and paved way for this regime. Lastly, thoughts of
Mian Nawaz Sharif as Head Of State is giving them jitters and uncomfortable feeling, as both
Local and International Establishment seems at odd with
NS.(Wikileaks ).
Secondly we must not forget, Zardari recognised as the most shrewd politician, making the final moves on his Chess board, firstly he played a master move by appointing Ahmad Mehmood as Governor of Punjab, now may be making his decisive move with his newly Canadian Imported Pawn. As for PPP, it has a lost cause in three Provinces, may win few seats here and there but not big upsets expected, recently concluded By-Polls depict the voting trends , the real Battle Field looks to be in Punjab. So a chaos on 14th January in Islamabad leading to intervention by hidden hands suits Zardari, paving way for
NRO 2 and safe exit.
Other ally, MQM frustrated by Scotland-Yard investigation and Supreme court tightening screws regarding Delimitation's and Bogus Votes registered in Karachi, for them establishment Rule is always welcome, gives them the freedom and the Lone Power in Karachi, it would also help them to divert attention from Scotland-yard pending enquiry in Imran Farooq Murder case. Other ally PMLQ is fighting for its very existence, for them its a win win situation. Otherwise it is very likely, they will be demolished by GE, wouldn't be left with any candidates to field.

So onus lies on Democratic Forces particularly
Mian Nawaz Sharif, because he and his party seems to be net loser of this end game. Nawaz Sharif need to show the same wisdom and farsightedness as he had shown during
Atomic Blasts, when Pakistan was under immence pressure from Super Power
USA, but he went ahead with blasts without any fear and threat of economic sanctions, Americans soon realised, that Blasts were inevitable. Then he led, Historic
Long March, ended with restoration of Judiciary, truly a milestone in 63 year history of Pakistan. Foundation of strong and stable Institution was laid, which according to some, is fighting a lone war against Zardari corrupt regime
Nawaz Sharif must bring all the democratic forces to the table, to chalk out the broader based
Care-Taker set up acceptable to every one, must push PPP to immediately start the consultation process and announce the Election date to avoid the dire consequences . Pakistan need Nawaz Sharif to provide that leadership and become the torch bearer once again. "
Famous Saying"
"once you make the unequivocal internal commitment to do something-when you absolutely know this is the time and place to act-the World around you shifting all sorts of apparently miraculous ways to make it happen". Sara-Susanka
Its the responsibility of Media and Judciary,who are two other pillars of State, to become the guardian and custodian of this Democratic System, only Democracy can let the institutions to flourish and move forward.
History has given Imran Khan and PTI a chance to redeem themselves and reinvent their politics, at once align themselves with Democratic Forces, get out of this Tsunami syndrome, understand the ground realities in politics. Get rid of these ifs and buts regarding
Canadian March, categorically condemn drone attacks on Democracy (As Promised by
British National), send clear message to his aides, defending
Canadian National on TV Talk shows, to back off.
Historians remember winners, not losers.
God Bless My Country, Pakistan Zindabad.
Obviously how come the bosses be happy by a person who has sent two presidents and 2 CJPs home. Who dismissed two chiefs. He who wants a peaceful and honorable solution of Kashmir dispute and he who wants supremacy of parliament in the country.!!
ReplyDelete@SHER...that is the fear... must be adressed in larger interst of Paksitan:)
ReplyDeleteUndemocratics forces cry,corrupt and filthy politicians, name any corrupt politician
ReplyDeletewhen Ayub Khan took over, It is those forces who matter, made them corrupt and forced them to dance to their tunes.