"Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri "A Revolutionary Or A Smoke Screen"
Lahore (Minar e Pakistan) December 23rd witnessed the rise of a new Avatar named "Professor Dr .Tahir-Ul-Qadri" with a new slogan,"Save The Country Rather Politics". Our media telecasted the whole saga for almost four hours, without any commercial and News Bulletin breaks, cannot remember such a live coverage given to any other political party in recent history, except October 30th 2011 ( Given to Media Darling "Imran Khan", who raised the slogan of Change and eradicating corruption in ninety days) and December 25th 2011. PTI promised changes in ninety days, Dr.Sahib wants to do it in just less than a month.
When you revisit a decade old history, you find Dr.Tahir ul Qadri standing by "Dictator Musharraf", who came with a slogan of "Enlightened Moderation and Accountability across the Board"(which was restricted to eliminating one Poll Party "PML").
Professor Tahir Ul Qadri unfortunately was among those politicians who welcomed "Marshall law", stood with the dictator, openly supporting his "Referendum" and actively canvasing for his success in "Referendum". Later took part in 2002 General Elections and could manage to win his own NA seat (blessing of a dictator), from which he latter resigned and got "Canadian Immigration"Qadri Sahib should give an explanation, (why he choose to immigrate to Canada to enjoy a luxurious life?) while the masses suffered under the rule of a dictator.
It is a mystery, what compelled Qadri Sahib after living six Years in exile as "Canadian National" to come back to Pakistan and actively take part in Politics, spending Millions and millions of rupees for organising rallies in different parts of Pakistan, before coming to day of Reckoning "23rd December"(which according to some Media Reports, estimated 60-70 crore of rupees were spent on publicity and campaigning , both in Electronic and Print Media, almost for a month).
Finally on December 23, where Minar-e-Pakistan witnessed Qadri Sahib performance, people from across Pakistan especially Punjab brought in Buses, Cars, Vans, Trucks etc. to Minar e Pakistan to Qadri Sahib historic and Path Defining address, where Qadri Sahib got so much excited to witness a huge crowd that he almost forgot his prayers for the day, while Moulana Sahib of near by Badshahi Mosque kept on reminding Professor sahib of missing prayers.

Finally Qadri Sahib began his Historic and Revolutionary speech (taking shelter behind a bullet proof cabin) , where he, like an expert and articulate constitutional Lawyer, told the crowd how unfairly you people been treated in last 41/2 years by this failed and corrupt "Parliament"(majority of them are fake degree holders and elected with bogus votes). How this corrupt lot, can be held accountable by referring their cases to different clauses of "Constitutional Articles". Who appointed Chief Election Comissioner whose integrity is beyond doubt.
Qadri Sahib went a step further by demanding the consultation of Chief Justice and Army Chief for the proposed "Caretaker Setup" in the coming General Elections, if these inept and corrupt rulers are not held accountable in a given 90 days time frame , Caretakers time frame can be extended to "Unlimited" period. Threatening a "Long March", if his demands are not met by January 10 and Conquer Islamabad with his "Army Of Muredains" Which he claims, are spread in 90 Countries. He quotes examples of Europeans countries, but knowledgeable Dr.Sahib does not know that caretaker setups in those countries are the ruling parties. Democracies in those countries have come through a continuous process. Laws are already in place, question is their implementation.
There are few questions, which Qadri Sahib failed to explain in his historic address....
1) How can a "Canadian National", lead a mass movement, while being a foreign National??
While in an article in Dawn "quote" (I am a Pakistani by birth, while a Canadian by choice).
Canadian Oath
swear (or affirm) that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors, and that I will faithfully observe the laws of Canada and fulfil my duties as a Canadian citizen.[10]
2) In which article of the Constitution, role of "Chief Justice and Army Chief" is defined regarding consultation of "Caretaker setup"??. )
3) When will Qadri Sahib challenge his pending enquiry report in "LHC", where a Commission established by Honourable Court declared Qadri Sahib a Fraud and mentally sick, a man who can go to any extent to gain political mileage??.)
4) When will Qadri sahib tell the Nation, from where he got hundred of Millions for his Campaign, whether money Used was from "Minhaj-Ul-Quran Foundation", if not,will Qadri Sahib permit a forensic Audit of the money used in the Rally??.
5) Qadri Sahib say, I have never told "a lie" in my whole life (Sohail Warriach on Geo). He says, blasphemy Law was framed by him and this applies equally to every human being on this earth. While giving interview to a foreign channel, he contradicts his own statement and in the same breath says, this does not apply to non Muslims
Now Question arises, what are motives behind Tahir-ul-Qadris, sudden Love and affection for the Mother Land, with General Election so near, two things can be inferred from Qadris fiasco, either Bosses are fed up With Democracy, want to create a "Technocratic Setup" until corrupt rulers are held accountable. But Under Current circumstances "CJ and Election Commissioner", are highly unlikely to back this unconstitutional move, so General Elections seem to be a foregone conclusion. Secondly to form an "Holy Alliance" like in 1977 "PNA" and Post October 1999.

Recently concluded By Polls, clearly depicting the trend and mood in Punjab, the Real Battle Field of General Election, who so-ever wins it, automatically forms Government in Centre. where "PMLN" seems to be the front runner by quite a distance. Qadri Sahib entry is an effort to shrink right wing vote bank, which PMLN is banking on and clearly taking the lead, as "PTI" failed miserably to retain that momentum gained after 30th October Jalsa. As shown in recent by Polls, PMLN not only won by large margin but also improved their vote bank. Recently conducted polls by "IRI" show PTI losing support in much talked about Youth between the age of 18 to 25 years and a sharp decrease in popularity, while PMLN gaining significantly.
Clearly the game plan looks to create a "Hung Parliament", as "Mian Nawaz Sharif" is proving himself a Modern day Bhutto (Bhutto wanted to bring social changes by nationalisation while MNS wants to bring changes by burdening the rich, extending the tax net and bring socioeconomic reforms by good governance), clearly the man to beat in next General Election. All necessary arrangements of Grand Alliance are being made, PPP seems to accept it as a lost battle, trying to survive and powers who matter, think only PMLN is left to deal with. MQM has already participated in the Jalsa, Altaf Bahi declared Tahir-ul-Qadri the Saviour. Imran Khan termed Qadri Sahib manifesto as his own, for which he is striving for 16 long years, SMQ officially congratulated Qadri sahib on his Jalsa. Similarly Choudhries of Gujrat also Welcomed Qadri Sahib historic address, (ready to ditch PPP, if given a reasonable choice) and members of DPC also joined hands. Shiekh Rashid known as spokesman of Bosses was quick to welcome Qadri Sahib as well.
After "Qadris" last night interview on Geo, people are more confused than ever as to what is the purpose of all these activities. No one else, but targeted PML(N) only, he condoned Bhatta, targeted killing etc. of MQM ( Supreme court on Karachi situation). Is he a stake holder.
Stage is all set for political manoeuvring and behind the scenes last minute moves, lets hope and pray Democracy will be net beneficiary, we all should have learnt our lesson from our past.
Lahore (Minar e Pakistan) December 23rd witnessed the rise of a new Avatar named "Professor Dr .Tahir-Ul-Qadri" with a new slogan,"Save The Country Rather Politics". Our media telecasted the whole saga for almost four hours, without any commercial and News Bulletin breaks, cannot remember such a live coverage given to any other political party in recent history, except October 30th 2011 ( Given to Media Darling "Imran Khan", who raised the slogan of Change and eradicating corruption in ninety days) and December 25th 2011. PTI promised changes in ninety days, Dr.Sahib wants to do it in just less than a month.
When you revisit a decade old history, you find Dr.Tahir ul Qadri standing by "Dictator Musharraf", who came with a slogan of "Enlightened Moderation and Accountability across the Board"(which was restricted to eliminating one Poll Party "PML").
Professor Tahir Ul Qadri unfortunately was among those politicians who welcomed "Marshall law", stood with the dictator, openly supporting his "Referendum" and actively canvasing for his success in "Referendum". Later took part in 2002 General Elections and could manage to win his own NA seat (blessing of a dictator), from which he latter resigned and got "Canadian Immigration"Qadri Sahib should give an explanation, (why he choose to immigrate to Canada to enjoy a luxurious life?) while the masses suffered under the rule of a dictator.
It is a mystery, what compelled Qadri Sahib after living six Years in exile as "Canadian National" to come back to Pakistan and actively take part in Politics, spending Millions and millions of rupees for organising rallies in different parts of Pakistan, before coming to day of Reckoning "23rd December"(which according to some Media Reports, estimated 60-70 crore of rupees were spent on publicity and campaigning , both in Electronic and Print Media, almost for a month).
Finally on December 23, where Minar-e-Pakistan witnessed Qadri Sahib performance, people from across Pakistan especially Punjab brought in Buses, Cars, Vans, Trucks etc. to Minar e Pakistan to Qadri Sahib historic and Path Defining address, where Qadri Sahib got so much excited to witness a huge crowd that he almost forgot his prayers for the day, while Moulana Sahib of near by Badshahi Mosque kept on reminding Professor sahib of missing prayers.

Finally Qadri Sahib began his Historic and Revolutionary speech (taking shelter behind a bullet proof cabin) , where he, like an expert and articulate constitutional Lawyer, told the crowd how unfairly you people been treated in last 41/2 years by this failed and corrupt "Parliament"(majority of them are fake degree holders and elected with bogus votes). How this corrupt lot, can be held accountable by referring their cases to different clauses of "Constitutional Articles". Who appointed Chief Election Comissioner whose integrity is beyond doubt.
Qadri Sahib went a step further by demanding the consultation of Chief Justice and Army Chief for the proposed "Caretaker Setup" in the coming General Elections, if these inept and corrupt rulers are not held accountable in a given 90 days time frame , Caretakers time frame can be extended to "Unlimited" period. Threatening a "Long March", if his demands are not met by January 10 and Conquer Islamabad with his "Army Of Muredains" Which he claims, are spread in 90 Countries. He quotes examples of Europeans countries, but knowledgeable Dr.Sahib does not know that caretaker setups in those countries are the ruling parties. Democracies in those countries have come through a continuous process. Laws are already in place, question is their implementation.
There are few questions, which Qadri Sahib failed to explain in his historic address....
1) How can a "Canadian National", lead a mass movement, while being a foreign National??
While in an article in Dawn "quote" (I am a Pakistani by birth, while a Canadian by choice).
Canadian Oath
swear (or affirm) that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors, and that I will faithfully observe the laws of Canada and fulfil my duties as a Canadian citizen.[10]
2) In which article of the Constitution, role of "Chief Justice and Army Chief" is defined regarding consultation of "Caretaker setup"??. )
3) When will Qadri Sahib challenge his pending enquiry report in "LHC", where a Commission established by Honourable Court declared Qadri Sahib a Fraud and mentally sick, a man who can go to any extent to gain political mileage??.)
4) When will Qadri sahib tell the Nation, from where he got hundred of Millions for his Campaign, whether money Used was from "Minhaj-Ul-Quran Foundation", if not,will Qadri Sahib permit a forensic Audit of the money used in the Rally??.
5) Qadri Sahib say, I have never told "a lie" in my whole life (Sohail Warriach on Geo). He says, blasphemy Law was framed by him and this applies equally to every human being on this earth. While giving interview to a foreign channel, he contradicts his own statement and in the same breath says, this does not apply to non Muslims
Now Question arises, what are motives behind Tahir-ul-Qadris, sudden Love and affection for the Mother Land, with General Election so near, two things can be inferred from Qadris fiasco, either Bosses are fed up With Democracy, want to create a "Technocratic Setup" until corrupt rulers are held accountable. But Under Current circumstances "CJ and Election Commissioner", are highly unlikely to back this unconstitutional move, so General Elections seem to be a foregone conclusion. Secondly to form an "Holy Alliance" like in 1977 "PNA" and Post October 1999.

Recently concluded By Polls, clearly depicting the trend and mood in Punjab, the Real Battle Field of General Election, who so-ever wins it, automatically forms Government in Centre. where "PMLN" seems to be the front runner by quite a distance. Qadri Sahib entry is an effort to shrink right wing vote bank, which PMLN is banking on and clearly taking the lead, as "PTI" failed miserably to retain that momentum gained after 30th October Jalsa. As shown in recent by Polls, PMLN not only won by large margin but also improved their vote bank. Recently conducted polls by "IRI" show PTI losing support in much talked about Youth between the age of 18 to 25 years and a sharp decrease in popularity, while PMLN gaining significantly.
Clearly the game plan looks to create a "Hung Parliament", as "Mian Nawaz Sharif" is proving himself a Modern day Bhutto (Bhutto wanted to bring social changes by nationalisation while MNS wants to bring changes by burdening the rich, extending the tax net and bring socioeconomic reforms by good governance), clearly the man to beat in next General Election. All necessary arrangements of Grand Alliance are being made, PPP seems to accept it as a lost battle, trying to survive and powers who matter, think only PMLN is left to deal with. MQM has already participated in the Jalsa, Altaf Bahi declared Tahir-ul-Qadri the Saviour. Imran Khan termed Qadri Sahib manifesto as his own, for which he is striving for 16 long years, SMQ officially congratulated Qadri sahib on his Jalsa. Similarly Choudhries of Gujrat also Welcomed Qadri Sahib historic address, (ready to ditch PPP, if given a reasonable choice) and members of DPC also joined hands. Shiekh Rashid known as spokesman of Bosses was quick to welcome Qadri Sahib as well.
After "Qadris" last night interview on Geo, people are more confused than ever as to what is the purpose of all these activities. No one else, but targeted PML(N) only, he condoned Bhatta, targeted killing etc. of MQM ( Supreme court on Karachi situation). Is he a stake holder.
Stage is all set for political manoeuvring and behind the scenes last minute moves, lets hope and pray Democracy will be net beneficiary, we all should have learnt our lesson from our past.
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ReplyDeleteVery nice attempt and great analysis above,all!