PM Youth Program: May Be A Game Changer ?
Pakistan is going through worst ever economic crisis in it's 65 years of existence which infact is becoming an existential threat for the country, lawlessness, rampage corruption and job drought is making the lives of middle class families in particular, a living hell. I remain a strong critic of Benazir Income Support Fund which has actually turned this country into a bunch of beggars, with zero job creation and easy money pouring into families, infact not helping them in the long run rather is making them susceptible and vulnerable in an environment of cut throat competition.

In a country where hundreds of thousand people have become jobless in last 5-6 years, skilled youth with degrees have got no job opportunities it scares the hell out of me that in a country with huge bulk of young population ( 65% ), regrettably have nothing to do, it terrorise me even further when I see my country in chaos and in grip of repeated terrorist strikes. In this era of mayhem and disarray this scheme seems to be breath of fresh air if you analyse it closely, more importantly if implemented honestly without political interference and merit is the kingpin while awarding these loans.
Now let me explain, why I think this Youth Program can turn out to be a "game changer" if implemented honestly?. A grace period of one year , 8% mark up on the loan, 6-7 years of payback period, if you count in inflation numbers, this loan scheme becomes a joy ride for the skilled youth, may turn them into a successful entrepreneurs in coming years. Now the real catch in these scheme is Government shell pay the additional mark up for the approved loan while the Banks first time in history of Pakistan shall invest on skilled youth rather on businessmen, politicians, feudal, Army backed ventures, real state tycoon's etc., meaning if we multiply the real numbers that runs into hundreds of billions. "Now this is totally unprecedented, never witnessed in history of Pakistan, only thing Government must be careful because State Bank shell be protecting the Banks investment so Government must make this scheme transparent and merit must be the driving force while awarding these loans".

Imagine a young doctor, pharmacist, engineer, a software genius, young entrepreneur with out of the world idea etc getting this loan at the very start of his carrier, establishes a small business in the beginning, we may witness a big change in coming years and decades, may revitalise the small to medium businesses in the country, importantly will pump hundreds of billion rupees into the ailing economy.
Similarly Qarz-e- Husna Scheme for the poorest of the poor in the society, in fact this idea has already been successfully implemented by "Akhuat Foundation" by amazing "Dr Amjad Saqib" and carried forward by Punjab Government under the guidance of Dr Sahib under the banner of "Punjab Education Endowment Fund", you people will be astonished to know that the recovery of loans is close to 99% . This scheme shall cover startling 2.5 to 5 million people in the coming five years, 3.5 billion have been allocated for the scheme, multiply with the households you will be amazed to see the number.
Finally, the reimbursement scheme of student fee, for those students studying in HEC recognised public institutions doing their Masters and PhD, will cover 30,000 students yearly, Rs. 1.2 billion have been allocated annually. Deserving students studying in Public Universities and belonging to backward areas of the country given the priority.
all leid they dnt give things on merit. i have an internship card and many other my batchmates and others have of last year and we dont get internship. even jobs recruitment is unfair too. they have no believe they just use religion as upper cloth. if i dnt get job in the coming year thn bye bye pakistan and i dnt give anything to do this country and hypocrite nation. Regards Malik Ammar Khokhar Alvi